PT03-Dynamic Transit Operations




The Dynamic Transit Operations service package allows travelers to request trips and obtain itineraries using a personal device such as a smart phone, tablet, or personal computer. The trips and itineraries cover multiple transportation services (public transportation modes, private transportation services, shared–ride, walking and biking). This service package builds on existing technology systems such as computer–aided dispatch/ automated vehicle location (CAD/AVL) systems and automated scheduling software, providing a coordination function within and between transit providers that would dynamically schedule and dispatch or modify the route of an in–service vehicle by matching compatible trips together. TI06 covers other shared use transportation options.


PT03-Dynamic Transit Operations

Includes Elements

RTA Paratransit Vehicles
RTA Fixed Route Vehicles
GCRTA Communications Center
Laketran Vehicles
Private Traveler Information Systems
City of Cleveland Signal Control System
LCT Transit Vehicles
Municipal Signal Control Systems
GCRTA Transit Traveler Information System
Geauga County Transit Operations
Laketran Operations Center
LCT Bus Operations Center
Traveler Information Devices
Ohio DOT District 12 Maintenance Garages
Ohio DOT OHGO Traveler Information System
Ohio DOT District 3 Maintenance Garages
City of Cleveland Maintenance Dispatch
Municipal Maintenance Garages
Local Transit Traveler Information Systems
Geauga County Transit Vehicles
Medina County Transit Operations Center
Medina County Transit Vehicles
Cuyahoga County Engineers Office
County Engineers Office
Case Western Reserve Transit System
Laketran Paratransit Vehicles
Case Western Reserve Transit Vehicles