PT16: Route ID for the Visually Impaired

Need Area Description

This service package assists visually impaired travelers to identify the appropriate bus and route to their intended destination. It provides information from bus stop infrastructure to visually impaired travelers portable devices that can be converted to audible information regarding the appropriate bus and route. It also allows the visually impaired traveler to query the portable device to identify route options.

Need Area Type


Service Package

PT16: Route ID for the Visually Impaired

Includes Needs

01Transit Operations needs to know the location and destination of the visually impaired traveler in order to identify the correct route and stop information to provide to the traveler via their personal device.
02Transit Operations needs to be able to provide transit vehicle route and stop information to the traveler via their personal device.
03Transit Operations needs to provide bus arrival information at the stop to support visually impaired travelers.