Transit Center Multi-Modal Coordination Functional Area


'Transit Center Multi–Modal Coordination' supports transit service coordination between transit properties and coordinates with other surface and air transportation modes. As part of service coordination, it shares schedule and trip information, as well as transit transfer cluster (a collection of stop points, stations, or terminals where transfers can be made conveniently) and transfer point information between Multimodal Transportation Service Providers, Transit Agencies, and ISPs. An interface to Traffic Management also supports demand management strategies.

Included In

GCRTA Communications Center
Private Traveler Information Systems
Ohio DOT 511 Telephone Information Service
Geauga County Transit Operations
Laketran Operations Center
LCT Bus Operations Center
School District Dispatch
Ohio DOT OHGO Traveler Information System
Medina County Transit Operations Center
Ohio DOT District 12 Public Information Office

Functional Requirements

01The center shall coordinate schedules and services with traffic management, parking management, and event planning systems.
02The center shall share transfer cluster and transfer point information with other transit centers. A transfer cluster is a collection of stop points, stations, or terminals where transfers can be made conveniently.
03The center shall accept requests from traffic management to change routes and schedules as part of the implementation of demand management strategies.
04The center shall coordinate schedules and services with other transit centers.
05The center shall coordinate schedules and services with other surface or air transportation modes.
06The center shall provide transit operations personnel with the capability to control and monitor transit service coordination activities.
07The center shall receive proposed maintenance and construction work plans, analyze the activity as a possible incident, and provide work plan feedback to the sending center.
08The center shall receive temporary facility restrictions that are imposed during maintenance and construction.
09The center shall collect asset restriction information from maintenance operations.
10The center shall coordinate with emission management to establish low emission zone parameters based on air quality and transportation need.