Ohio DOT Vehicle Detection Devices




Represents roadside devices installed for the purpose of measuring vehicle speed, volume, and occupancy or density. This data can then be used for both the calculation of travel times and incident identification. The conventional form of vehicle detection is side–fired radar detector (SFRD). The main use of SFRD is for ramp metering, where the detectors provide traffic data to both the local ramp meter and central software, and allow for dynamic ramp metering along corridors and localized traffic–responsive ramp metering at spot locations. Vehicle detection devices gather traffic counts along Ohio DOT roadways and report data to the Traffic Data Archive System. The majority of devices exist within major cities, though more are planned for installation throughout the state.


StakeholderRoleRole Status

Physical Objects

ITS Roadway Equipment
ITS Object

Functional Objects

Functional ObjectDescriptionUser Defined
Emergency Notification Support'Emergency Notification Support' receives emergency notification messages from vehicles or personal handheld devices, determines an appropriate response, and either uses internal resources or contacts a local agency to provide that response. The nature of the emergency is determined based on the information in the received message as well as other inputs. This object effectively serves as an interface between automated collision notification systems and the local public safety answering point for messages that require a public safety response. This capability depends on an up–to–date registry of public safety answering points/response agencies by coverage area, the type of emergency, and hours of service.False
Roadway Basic Surveillance'Roadway Basic Surveillance' monitors traffic conditions using fixed equipment such as loop detectors and CCTV cameras.False
Roadway Data Collection'Roadway Data Collection' collects traffic, road, and environmental conditions information for use in transportation planning, research, and other off–line applications where data quality and completeness take precedence over real–time performance. It includes the sensors, supporting roadside infrastructure, and communications equipment that collects and transfers information to a center for archival.False
Roadway Field Device Support'Roadway Field Device Support' monitors the operational status of field devices and detects and reports fault conditions. Consolidated operational status (device status, configuration, and fault information) are reported for resolution and repair. A local interface is provided to field personnel for local monitoring and diagnostics, supporting field maintenance, upgrade, repair, and replacement of field devices.False

Physical Standards

SDODocument #TitleUser Defined
ITEITE ITS CabinetITS Standard Specification for Roadside CabinetsFalse
NEMANEMA TS 8Cyber and Physical Security for Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)False

Interfaces To

(View Context Diagram)

Ohio DOT District 12 Maintenance Garages
Ohio DOT District 3 Maintenance Garages
Ohio DOT Portable Freeway Management System
Regional Traffic Management Center