Ohio DOT Ramp Meters
Ramp meters are traffic signals at freeway entrance ramps, which use video detection cameras positioned on the ramp and freeway to determine how quickly drivers can safely enter the freeway. Ramp meters also coordinate timings based on input from Ohio DOT Vehicle Detection Devices that measure traffic speed and volume on the freeway, and traffic demand on the ramp.
Stakeholder | Role | Role Status |
ODOT | Owns | Existing |
Physical Objects
Functional Objects
Functional Object | Description | User Defined |
PAC Road Pricing Administration | 'PAC Road Pricing Administration' enables payment for road use based on VMT, vehicle type, vehicle emissions, or other parameters. It establishes a price schedule based on these parameters that may vary by time, location or zone, vehicle type, and/or vehicle behavior. Pricing strategies may also include incentives that allow reimbursement of fees previously paid for good behavior (e.g., VMT reductions, economical driving behavior, avoidance of peak periods or congested zones). It receives vehicle data (e.g., time stamped roadways used by the vehicle since the last transmission) and computes the total cost to the vehicle owner for payment. Based on owner preference, this cost is either billed to the owner or requested from an in–vehicle payment instrument. Payment for use of roadways not operated by the specific instance of the VMT Payment Administration that the vehicle is registered with, will be reconciled. Payment violations can be reported to Enforcement Agencies when appropriate. Finally, vehicle owners can interact with this object using personal devices or public terminals to setup and edit account preferences for owned vehicles, get account reports, and make payments. | False |
Roadway Field Device Support | 'Roadway Field Device Support' monitors the operational status of field devices and detects and reports fault conditions. Consolidated operational status (device status, configuration, and fault information) are reported for resolution and repair. A local interface is provided to field personnel for local monitoring and diagnostics, supporting field maintenance, upgrade, repair, and replacement of field devices. | False |
Roadway Traffic Metering | 'Roadway Traffic Metering' includes the field equipment used to meter traffic on ramps, through interchanges, and on the mainline roadway. The equipment includes dynamic messages signs to provide guidance and information to drivers at and approaching a meter, including information for any special bypass lanes. | False |
Vehicle Emergency Notification | 'Vehicle Emergency Notification' provides the capability for drivers or collision detection sensors to report an emergency and summon assistance. It gathers data from on–board collision detection sensors, provides a mechanism for the driver to summon assistance, and includes a communications capability to report the collision including indicators of collision severity, the number of passengers involved, and information about the vehicle that may affect the response. | False |
Physical Standards
SDO | Document # | Title | User Defined |
ITE | ITE ATC 5201 | Advanced Transportation Controller (ATC) | False |
ITE ATC 5202 | Model 2070 Controller Standard | False |
ITE ATC API | Application Programming Interface (API) Standard for the Advanced Transportation Controller (ATC) | False |
ITE ITS Cabinet | ITS Standard Specification for Roadside Cabinets | False |
NEMA | NEMA TS 2 | Traffic Controller Assemblies with NTCIP Requirements | False |
NEMA TS 8 | Cyber and Physical Security for Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) | False |
Interfaces To
(View Context Diagram)