Ohio DOT CCTV Cameras




Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) refers to a surveillance system using cameras that transmits visual information over a closed circuit through an electrically conducting cable or wireless transmitter and receiver. It is both used for security purposes and traffic monitoring along Ohio DOT roads throughout the state.


StakeholderRoleRole Status

Physical Objects

ITS Roadway Equipment
ITS Object

Functional Objects

Functional ObjectDescriptionUser Defined
Drayage Operations Optimization ServiceThe 'Drayage Operations Optimization Service' provides a portal for shippers and receivers to post their loads in need of transport and provide an opportunity for commercial vehicles to find a load to haul on their trip back to/from an intermodal facility. It connects load matching services with container and chassis/equipment availability information and appointment/reservations services from the intermodal terminals to provide an optimized, regionally integrated view of intermodal container transport for drayage operators.False
Roadway Basic Surveillance'Roadway Basic Surveillance' monitors traffic conditions using fixed equipment such as loop detectors and CCTV cameras.False
Roadway Field Device Support'Roadway Field Device Support' monitors the operational status of field devices and detects and reports fault conditions. Consolidated operational status (device status, configuration, and fault information) are reported for resolution and repair. A local interface is provided to field personnel for local monitoring and diagnostics, supporting field maintenance, upgrade, repair, and replacement of field devices.False
Roadway Work Zone Traffic Control'Roadway Work Zone Traffic Control' controls traffic in areas of the roadway where maintenance and construction activities are underway, monitoring and controlling traffic using field equipment such as CCTV cameras, dynamic messages signs, and gates/barriers. Work zone speeds and delays are provided to the motorist prior to the work zones.False
TIC Interactive Traveler Information'TIC Interactive Traveler Information' disseminates personalized traveler information including traffic and road conditions, transit information, parking information, maintenance and construction information, multimodal information, event information, and weather information. Tailored information is provided based on the traveler's request in this interactive service.False

Physical Standards

SDODocument #TitleUser Defined
ITEITE ITS CabinetITS Standard Specification for Roadside CabinetsFalse
NEMANEMA TS 4Hardware Standards for Dynamic Message Signs (DMS) with NTCIP RequirementsFalse
NEMA TS 5Portable Traffic Signal Systems (PTSS) Standard Control Circuit and Pilot DevicesFalse
NEMA TS 8Cyber and Physical Security for Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)False

Interfaces To

(View Context Diagram)

CECOMS – Emergency Communications
City of Cleveland EOC
County EOCs
County Public Safety Dispatch
Cuyahoga County EOC
Municipal Public Safety Dispatch
Ohio DOT District 12 Maintenance Garages
Ohio DOT District 3 Maintenance Garages
Ohio DOT District Offices
Ohio DOT Portable Freeway Management System
Regional Traffic Management Center