Interface: Ohio Turnpike Central Dispatch - County Engineers Office

Architecture Flow Definitions
maint and constr resource request (Planned) Applicable ITS Standards
Request for road maintenance and construction resources that can be used in the diversion of traffic (cones, portable signs), clearance of a road hazard, repair of ancillary damage, or any other incident response. The request may poll for resource availability or request pre–staging, staging, or immediate dispatch of resources.
maint and constr resource response (Planned) Applicable ITS Standards
Current status of maintenance and construction resources including availability and deployment status. General resource inventory information covering vehicles, equipment, materials, and people and specific resource deployment status may be included.
road network conditions (Planned) Applicable ITS Standards
Current and forecasted traffic information, road and weather conditions, and other road network status. Either raw data, processed data, or some combination of both may be provided by this flow. Information on diversions and alternate routes, closures, and special traffic restrictions (lane/shoulder use, weight restrictions, width restrictions, HOV requirements) in effect is included.
roadway maintenance status (Planned) Applicable ITS Standards
Summary of maintenance fleet operations affecting the road network. This includes the status of winter maintenance (snow plow schedule and current status).
work plan coordination (Planned) Applicable ITS Standards
Coordination of work plan schedules and activities between maintenance and construction organizations or systems. This information includes the work plan schedules and comments and suggested changes that are exchanged as work plans are coordinated and finalized.