Interface: Hopkins International Airport and Burke Lakefront Airport - Regional Airport/Port Authority Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment

Architecture Flow Definitions
road closure application info (Planned) Applicable ITS Standards
Road closure signing application configuration data and messaging parameters. This flow identifies the vehicles that may initiate the road closure. This flow also provides access lists, groups, or classifications where selected vehicles are to be allowed access to the closed area.
road closure application status (Planned) Applicable ITS Standards
Road closure application status reported by the RSE. This includes current operational state and status of the RSE, closure status, and a log of closure commands received and issued. For closures that allow entry by selected vehicles, this flow provides an access log identifying vehicles that have requested access with access status.
traveler information application info (Planned) Applicable ITS Standards
Traveler information and associated parameters, filters, and thresholds that control the RSE's distribution of the traveler information to passing vehicles. This flow also supports remote control of the application so the application can be taken offline, reset, or restarted.
traveler information application status (Planned) Applicable ITS Standards
Application status reported by the RSE. This includes current operational state and status of the RSE and a record of traveler information distribution.