Interface: LCT Transit Vehicles - Basic Vehicles

Architecture Flow Definitions
driver input information (Planned) Applicable ITS Standards
Driver input received from the driver–vehicle interface equipment via the vehicle bus. It includes configuration data, settings and preferences, interactive requests, and control commands for the connected vehicle on–board equipment.
driver update information (Planned) Applicable ITS Standards
Information provided to the driver–vehicle interface to inform the driver about current conditions, potential hazards, and the current status of vehicle on–board equipment. The flow includes the information to be presented to the driver and associated metadata that supports processing, prioritization, and presentation by the DVI as visual displays, audible information and warnings, and/or haptic feedback.
host vehicle status (Planned) Applicable ITS Standards
Information provided to the ITS on–board equipment from other systems on the vehicle platform. This includes the current status of the powertrain, steering, and braking systems, and status of other safety and convenience systems. In implementations where GPS is not integrated into the Vehicle On–Board Equipment, the host vehicle is also the source for data describing the vehicle's location in three dimensions (latitude, longitude, elevation) and accurate time that can be used for time synchronization across the ITS environment.
vehicle control (Planned) Applicable ITS Standards
Control commands issued to vehicle actuators that control steering, throttle, and braking and other related commands that support safe transition between manual and automated vehicle control. This flow can also deploy restraints and other safety systems when a collision is unavoidable.