Interface: Traveler Information Devices - Ohio Mobility Apps

Architecture Flow Definitions
shared use confirmation (Planned) Applicable ITS Standards
Confirmation that traveler is going to use the shared use asset now or at a future time.
shared use request (Planned) Applicable ITS Standards
Request for shared use asset (e.g., car or bicycle) now or as a reservation for future use.
shared use response (Planned) Applicable ITS Standards
Response from shared use provider regarding availability of the shared use asset now or in the future. Includes any payment requirements.
trip confirmation (Planned) Applicable ITS Standards
Acknowledgement by the driver/traveler of acceptance of a trip plan with associated personal and payment information required to confirm reservations.
trip feedback (Planned) Applicable ITS Standards
Information provided at the conclusion of a trip that supports performance monitoring and system optimization. Information provided may include a record of the trip including HOV/HOT lane usage and user provided feedback at the conclusion of the trip.
trip plan (Planned) Applicable ITS Standards
A travel itinerary identifying a route and associated traveler information and instructions identifying recommended modes and transfer information, ride sharing options, and transit and parking reservation information.
trip request (Planned) Applicable ITS Standards
Request for trip planning services that identifies the trip origin, destination(s), timing, preferences, and constraints. The request may also include the requestor's location or a request for transit and parking reservations and ridesharing options associated with the trip.
user profile (Planned) Applicable ITS Standards
Information provided to register for a travel service and create a user account. The provided information includes personal identification, traveler preferences (e.g., maximum transfer wait time, maximum walking distance, mode preferences, special needs), device information, a user ID and password, and information to support payment transactions, if applicable.